2018. január 28., vasárnap

TM16XX Arduino Library

I've these boards (and a few more, and bare chips also) on hand:

They have one thing in common - They use TM16xx series Titan Microelectronics driver ICs.
On the internet you can find various source codes for them. I'm trying to use the TM1637 bare chip in one of my new projects. The one used in the 4 digit display. The Arduino library exists for it, but the function for reading the keys not, as the module doesn't have keys. The bigger ones has key reading in the library, but they use TM1638 IC, what has different signaling.
I haven't find any lib, what fits into my needs - so I wrote one.
The library can be find here: https://github.com/sufzoli/TM16XX
Today, it has support for the following ICs:

  • TM1636
  • TM1637
  • TM1638

It has support for the following modules:

The repo contains the Visual Studio solution I'm using for the development, so It is not well organized yet. Also the documentation is completely missing.
But this is just the beginning. I'm planning to expand the lib further.
What is coming:

  • Code commenting, documentation
  • Installable library
  • Hex display (it is decimal only actually)
  • Adding more displays, bare chips

Maybe in the future:

  • 14 digit display
  • LED Matrix
  • Bar graph
  • ASCII display

Any suggestions, requests welcome.

2018. január 7., vasárnap

VESA Monitor Stand

I've a Philips monitor in my lab. Unfortunately together with it's original stand it is to high. This means I can't really access the shelve behind it. I needed to place it lower, but it's original stand doesn't allow it. Yes I know, that I can buy a monitor with adjustable stand, but it cost more, and actually I've this monitor on-hand.
So I designed and built a new one.

The original status:

The stand design:

(The gray parts are aluminum extrusions)

The parts:

Yes you see correctly. It is a weight used for exercise in the gym. :-D


The monitor built on it:

In it's place:

Now I can use that shelve.
The files are published here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2749210