Built the whole thing, assembled, then redesigned most of the pen holder.
The problem was the following:
- The SG90 microservo I intended to use was not strong enough
- The line I wanted to use to pull up the Z carriage was a bad design decision
- The arduino was not able to provide enough current to the stalled microservo, so it rebooted when the pen pulled up.
In the new design:
- The SG90 replaced with a more powerful MG995
- The servo moving the carriage directly
- Added a 6V regulator for the servo, what gets its power from the beefy 12V PSU and not the arduino.
The electronics on the head still messy as I don't designed a proper PCB yet (but it will only happen when I finish the milling and the laser engraving head design):
And finally here is the first video of the working unit: